Create a multiple file field and assign it to a page type, using seeder / migration.
Created 6 years ago by araminho

I created a new field of "Files" type and assigned it to "Default" page type. Now I want to do the same with a seeder or a migration. What should I do?

ryanthompson  —  6 years ago

This would be with a migration - pretty straight forward like any other field type. Is there anything specific you need help with? Docs and existing addons are littered with examples and available configuration.

araminho  —  6 years ago

Thank you, I found the solution. In case if anyone needs it, here it is <?php

use Anomaly\PagesModule\Type\Contract\TypeInterface; use Anomaly\PagesModule\Type\Contract\TypeRepositoryInterface; use Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Assignment\Contract\AssignmentRepositoryInterface; use Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Database\Seeder\Seeder; use Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Field\Contract\FieldRepositoryInterface; use Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Stream\Contract\StreamRepositoryInterface;


  • Class TypeSeeder
  • @link
  • @author PyroCMS, Inc.">
  • @author Ryan Thompson"> */ class FieldSeeder extends Seeder {


    • The type repository.
    • @var TypeRepositoryInterface */ protected $types;


    • The field repository.
    • @var FieldRepositoryInterface */ protected $fields;


    • The streams repository.
    • @var StreamRepositoryInterface */ protected $streams;


    • The assignment repository.
    • @var AssignmentRepositoryInterface */ protected $assignments;


    • Create a new TypeSeeder instance.
    • @param TypeRepositoryInterface $types
    • @param FieldRepositoryInterface $fields
    • @param StreamRepositoryInterface $streams
    • @param AssignmentRepositoryInterface $assignments */ public function __construct( TypeRepositoryInterface $types, FieldRepositoryInterface $fields, StreamRepositoryInterface $streams, AssignmentRepositoryInterface $assignments ) { $this->types = $types; $this->fields = $fields; $this->streams = $streams; $this->assignments = $assignments; }


    • Run the seeder. */ public function run() { $type = $this->types->findBySlug('default');

      / @var TypeInterface $type /

      $stream = $type->getEntryStream();

      $field = $this->fields->findBySlugAndNamespace('images_1', 'pages');

      if (!$field) { $field = $this->fields->create([ 'slug' => 'images_1', 'namespace' => 'pages', 'type' => 'anomaly.field_type.files', 'locked' => false, 'en' => [ 'name' => 'Images for first section' ] ]); }

      $this->assignments->create( [ 'translatable' => true, 'stream' => $stream, 'field' => $field ] ); } }