How to filter with updated_by_id and created_by_id or deleted_by_id ?
Created 7 years ago by dangquocmin

I'm really want to using filter with updated_by_id and created_by_id or deleted_by_id, but I not found document for that. I had try some code but it not working. Please let me know, how to do that. Thank you.

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago Best Answer

Hey there! I just wrote up a guides document to help you along:

A simple custom query will do it!

Keep in mind you can use the default \Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Ui\Table\Component\Filter\Query\GenericFilterQuery::class for your filter if your filter slug is created_by_id for example. Otherwise you'll need a custom query to check both columns.

dangquocmin  —  7 years ago

Thank you so much. I will try it. And I think you may add this to core feature. It is helpful.