Installation unsuccessful
Created 5 years ago by mpolder

Whenever I try to create a new pyro project I get the following error message shown:

Installing Pyro... PHP Warning: proc_open(): CreateProcess failed, error code - 267 in C:\Users\Martijn\Desktop\pyrocms\installer\vendor\symfony\process\Process.php on line 344 Warning: proc_open(): CreateProcess failed, error code - 267 in C:\Users\Martijn\Desktop\pyrocms\installer\vendor\symfony\process\Process.php on line 344 In Process.php line 347: Unable to launch a new process. new [--tag [TAG]] [--dev] [--] []

Any fixes for this issue?

mpolder  —  5 years ago

Using composer to create the project seemed to be successful, it does fail on the actual installation process though: Does not work when running php artisan install either.