TOo_many_redirect error
Created 7 years ago by mohammed_abdallah

in edit page in the admin panel give me too_many Redirect error why ? the project work fine in local env but in the server give me that error what i missed if any one know ?

[4:57] and the url became this admin/pages/edit/5?page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=3&page=4&page=4 when i open this file core/anomaly/pages-module/src/Http/Controller/Admin/PagesController.php and remove this line it's work fine $this->dispatch(new AddEntryFormFromPage($form, $page)); what's the problem

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

What's your server stack? And what's the full URL? I've never seen anything quite like that.. Post some server config information so we can take a look at that.

mohammed_abdallah  —  7 years ago

i know that and it rendered right in the dom but when i click on it it's go to infinite loop and generate the above link

am stuck in this problem so am moved my work to another server and it's work fine so the problem as u said it's server conf or extension missing later if i know that missing config i will post it ISA

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

How strange! Glad you have been able to work around it.