Installation of PyroCMS
Created 5 years ago by jcc5169

What is the latest version that will install without dependency issues? I tried 3.6 but got numerous dependency issues with composer. Artisan installer errors as well.

william  —  5 years ago

Try to delete vendor and core/anomaly labs.. helps me

jcc5169  —  5 years ago

When i do "php artisan install" I get the following jccombs@SPU3-2-4-34-58503:/var/www/dotcom$ php artisan install PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Illuminate\Foundation\Application' not found in /var/www/dotcom/bootstrap/app.php:14 Stack trace:

0 /var/www/dotcom/artisan(20): require_once()

1 {main}

thrown in /var/www/dotcom/bootstrap/app.php on line 14 The Illimate class is from laravel .... still in dependency HELL

jcc5169  —  5 years ago

If you delete vendor it helps nothing

ryanthompson  —  5 years ago

Sounds like there are other issues at hand here. We've updated our installation guide:

And recently did another video that includes download and installation as well: