Links inside texts
Created 7 years ago by valbiojun

Hi guys, I'm totally new with Pyro and not find anything about how to change one situation. When i insert a link to a certain text inside the editor the system change the link after saving. Ex: My original link is "" without quotes. After save the text my link is changed to: "" without quotes Any idea where I can go to change this condition? Thanks Junior

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

Hmm that's weird. You're referring to the WYSIWYG field type?

valbiojun  —  7 years ago

Hi Ryan, Realy weird. While I was taking the screenshots from the wysiwyg editor I could not reproduce the problem. Had already taken several, but after saving and testing to show the last screen the error did not appear. I honestly do not understand what might have happened. Sorry for bothering you ant thanks from the fast response. Best regards Junior