[api-module] - Is this ready to use for mobile apps now?
Created 8 years ago by lckamal

Can you advice if api-module is appropriate for my requirement? If you can suggest some methods how I can make a api for mobile applications using pyrocms3 as web application, It will be appreciable 😄 Here is what I want to use api for: 1 Login - Post
2 Sign Up - Post
3 Forgot password - Post
4 Entries List - Get
5 Entries Create - Post 6 Entries Edit - Post 7 My Profile/ Edit Profile Post, Get

ryanthompson  —  8 years ago

Yes it should be ready but I have not had a moment to test / version it. It will handle 4 and 5 easy but doesn't have user stuff just yet. I can add it though.

If you're not on PRO yet pre-sale won't have github access for much longer but I can put it up on the store too after I version / document it which won't take too long.

kiltedup  —  7 years ago

Just seen this one - as I'm getting into the API module now, is the user stuff mentioned above on the horizon?