[Custom Module] EntryModel getField() returns null
Created 7 years ago by damian_nzHi there, I am trying to add the following migration to an existing stream.
protected $fields = [
'group' => [
'type' => 'anomaly.field_type.relationship',
'config' => [
'column_type' => 'integer',
'related' => 'MyNamespace\MyModule\Filter\FilterModel',
'handler' => 'MyNamespace\MyModule\Filter\Handler\PopulateFilterOptions@customGrouping'
When I try to compile or refresh the streams after running the migration I get the following error.
Call to a member function getSlug() on null
() at /vagrant/cms/vendor/anomaly/streams-platform/src/Assignment/AssignmentModel.php:127
This is the getFieldSlug
Is there something missing from my config for the new field?
7 years ago
Did you assign it? The field will really only put it into the field pool for the namespace.
6 years ago
Lol all good! I have emojis staged locally by the way 😄 along with a ton of other goodies
I figured it out Ryan (not sure what that emoji would look like)
So in my handler I was type hinting the wrong field type. The error message sent me looking in the wrong place 😄
Thank you for your time