How Do You Set The Starting Page Using The Pages Module Structure Function
Created 6 years ago by b1gw0rmHow would I modify the example code from the pages module documentation to generate the navigation starting at a page with a slug of "education/staff" for example?
{{ structure(
.linkAttributesDropdown({'data-toggle': 'dropdown'})
.listClass('nav navbar-nav navbar-right')
.render()|raw }}
6 years ago
I've also found that you can do this:
{{ structure('education/staff')|raw }}
Are you looking through source code to find this information? I haven't seen anything in the documentation referencing .root like you mentioned {{ structure().root('/my-page')|raw }}.
Thanks for the information.
6 years ago
@b1gw0rm it's doc'd that you can pass any options with chained methods like that but @william likely just saw root (which is docd as an argument) get's pushed into options anyways as do ALL plugin option scenarios like this:
Change the list tag to something else than unordered list:
{{ structure().list_tag('dl')|raw }}
Change the list tag to something else than unordered list:{{ structure().list_tag('dl')|raw }}
Change list element
{{ structure().link_tag('dt')|raw }}
Show children of only a specific page
{{ structure().root('/my-page')|raw }}
or page-id{{ structure().root('9')|raw }}
Set class for the element with children
{{ structure().dropdown_class('has-children')|raw }}
Set a class to every li item:
{{ structure().item_class('has-children')|raw }}
Set a class to the link
{{ structure().link_class('my-class')|raw }}
Add a title attribute to the link
{{ structure().link_attributes({'title':'Title attribute'})|raw }}