Extending registration form
Created 6 years ago by cynoHi, I wanna have first name and last name in the registration form instead of display name. I've extended the RegisterFormBuilder, and changed the field. Everything works, but I want to save first name + last name as display name. Is there a way to do this in pyro, or with extending the RegisterFormHandler, or I just have to write a completely new handler, with the saving logic?
6 years ago
You sure can! On your form builder - use something like this:
public function onSaving() {
$this->getFormEntryAttribute('first_name') . ' ' . $this->getFormEntryAttribute('first_name')
6 years ago
Tried doing this, but $this->getFormEntryAttribute('first_name') gives back null. Here is the code:
use Anomaly\UsersModule\User\Validation\ValidatePassword;
use Anomaly\UsersModule\User\Register\RegisterFormBuilder;
class ExtendRegisterFormBuilder extends RegisterFormBuilder
protected $fields = [
'first_name' => [
'required' => true,
'instructions' => false,
'last_name' => [
'required' => true,
'instructions' => false,
'username' => [
'instructions' => false,
'email' => [
'instructions' => false,
'password' => [
'instructions' => false,
'type' => 'anomaly.field_type.encrypted',
'rules' => [
'validators' => [
'valid_password' => [
'message' => false,
'handler' => ValidatePassword::class,
public function onSaving()
$this->getFormEntryAttribute('first_name') . ' ' . $this->getFormEntryAttribute('first_name')
6 years ago
Glad you got it working! Go ahead and marked answered if you could so others can quickly spot it if needed. Thanks!
Forgot to comment, but the solution is: