[theme] - Asset parse doesn't parse while publishing to public/app...
Created 7 years ago by lckamalI have this asset on metadata:
{{ asset_add("theme.css", "theme::css/font-awesome.min.css", ["parse"]) }}
{{ asset_add("theme.css", "theme::css/bootstrap.min.css", ["parse"]) }}
{{ asset_add("theme.css", "theme::css/jquery.bxslider.css", ["parse"]) }}
{{ asset_add("theme.css", "theme::css/normalize.min.css") }}
{{ asset_add("theme.css", "theme::css/bootstrap-select.min.css") }}
{{ asset_add("theme.css", "theme::css/style.css", ["parse"]) }}
{{ asset_add("theme.css", "theme::css/responsive.css") }}
{{ asset_style("theme.css") }}
parse is not working. in compiled css also I can see asset_path("theme::fonts/...") etc. in public/app/default/assets/public/theme.css
7 years ago
It might be errorring out: https://github.com/anomalylabs/streams-platform/blob/1.2/src/Asset/Asset.php#L518
Try putting something in there.. need to pry enable that for debug mode huh?
Just put your fonts into public/fonts folder and it'll work