Using hooks
Created 6 years ago by squatto

The docs show how to use hooks, but they aren't very clear on where to put the code. Does anybody have some practical examples of code to use hooks on a model?

edster  —  6 years ago Best Answer

So it depends really I'll give an example of attaching a profile (realtors) relation to the user model.

In my service providers boot method I have added $this->dispatch(new AttachRealtorRelationToUser()); That class does this

class AttachRealtorRelationToUser {

    public function handle()
        $user = new UserModel();

        /* @var Hookable $user */
        if (!method_exists($user, 'bind')) {

         * Get the user's realtor profile.
         * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\hasOne
            function () {
                /* @var UserModel $this */
                    return $this->hasOne(RealtorModel::class, 'user_id');
squatto  —  6 years ago

I was able to get this working by adding the following to a module service provider:

    public function boot(UserModel $user)
        if (method_exists($user, 'bind')) {
            $user->bind('producer', function() {
                return $this->belongsTo(ProducerModel::class, 'producer_id');
            $user->bind('get_producer', function() {
                return $this->producer()->first();

This allowed me to do the following in a twig template: user().producer.display_name

There are other ways to do this, which @edster is going to show us...

edster  —  6 years ago Best Answer

So it depends really I'll give an example of attaching a profile (realtors) relation to the user model.

In my service providers boot method I have added $this->dispatch(new AttachRealtorRelationToUser()); That class does this

class AttachRealtorRelationToUser {

    public function handle()
        $user = new UserModel();

        /* @var Hookable $user */
        if (!method_exists($user, 'bind')) {

         * Get the user's realtor profile.
         * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\hasOne
            function () {
                /* @var UserModel $this */
                    return $this->hasOne(RealtorModel::class, 'user_id');
ryanthompson  —  6 years ago

I generally put them in service providers (PRO link):

You can add them anywhere there. I've added them on tables / forms from controllers and even from things like a buttons handler for a table. So anywhere in runtime - the need kinda dictates the where.

squatto  —  6 years ago

Thanks @edster! Did you add that dispatch call to boot()?

edster  —  6 years ago

@squatto updated the post to stylize and clearly show the method ^.^