New Theme not available for Selection in "Settings | System | Public Theme"
Created 6 years ago by shaI am using the following version of PyroCMS: PyroCMS 3.4 September 7, 2017 PyroCMS 3.4-beta1 August 19, 2017
I am following the video located here:
The theme was created using: php artisan make:addon winterriver.theme.jetmx
The theme relevant files the theme are:
I have tried using both "shared" and "shared_addons" in the path.
I had to to adjust the directory structure to reflect the structure in the video. But it does not matter since the Theme is not available in the dropdown for "Public Theme".
"shared_addon's generates a whoops...
Any ideas as to how to get the theme found so that I can begin theme development?
Greetings again, Ryan. Long time...
My application reference in the .env file is "jetmx". When I rename "default" to "jetms" like so:
...and refresh, the theme is still not available in the dropdown, only "Starter" theme.
Glad to have returned to PyroCMS.
Did not understand the second part of your question, but the following is the structure where I discover the "Starter" and "Accelerant" themes:
public/app/jetmx/assets/core/pyrocms/starter-theme public/app/jetmx/assets/core/pyrocms/accelerant-theme
They are located under "public/app/jetmx/" and not "addons".
Welcome back!
Just for giggles run php artisan make:addon winterriver.theme.jetmx2
and just place your theme next to the new one (and delete the 2 one if you like).
Sounds like it's not in the right directory and possibly a naming issue. Hard saying. But this will give you a fool proof location as it builds it in your application's addon directory automatically.
Hope this helps!
Is your application reference "default"? Do you see it in
php artisan make:addon winterriver.theme.jetmx
alone will create it where it's needed. Is your application reference "default"?Do you see it in