Wrong sort order
Created 6 years ago by nfskidMade a custom module Products. It has a Products object that takes a multiple relationship field using the Highlights Object. In the view i use {% if count(product.highlights) > 0 %} {% for highlight in product.highlights %} To loop through the product highlight but i would like for it to use the sort_by field in products_highlights not products_products_highlights like it is now. Any ideas?
So My tables are products_products , products_highlights, products_products_highlights with any number of assignments being relatable to any number of products. (many to many?)
in the controller just like your video module controller I pass products to the view:
public function view(ProductRepositoryInterface $products, $slug)
if (!$product = $products->findBySlug($slug)) {
// $this->breadcrumbs->add('Home', '/');
// $this->breadcrumbs->add('Products', '/products');
// $this->breadcrumbs->add($product->model_number, $product->route('view'));
$this->template->set('meta_title', $product->model_number);
return $this->view->make('anomaly.module.products::products/view', compact('product'));
in the view I
{% if count(product.highlights) > 0 %}
{% for highlight in product.highlights %}
to loop through highlights.
Lets say highlights has a name field and i have 2 entries. Speed and Count set up in that sort_order. When I use the admin side and select them in the product menu, I select the order Speed and then Count. The pivot table sort_order is correct, Speed getting sort_order 0 and Count sort_order getting 1. if i go back to the admin side and select update on the product, the sort_order on the pivot table will now flip because the multiple field sorts by alphabetical order so count will now be the first item to show in the view.
I would like to sort by products_highlights sort_order and not products_products_highlights sort_order in the view. Thanks for replying, I'm new to laravel and also new to pyrocms and trying to wrap my head around it all still.
Update:: this might be fixed by me using {% for highlight in product.highlights.sortBy('sort_order') %}
Ok sounds like there may be unintended behavior in core but the last bit about .sortBy('sort_order', 'ASC')
should do the trick however you might need to use get()
and also manually use the relation method highlights()
instead of the syntax you have.
{% for highlight in product.highlights().sortBy('sort_order').get() %}
Try that out.
Sure thing! They'll be compiled on your base models in storage if they are done using field types 😄
This doesn't really make sense.
Can you elaborate? Are those tables?
When are you doing sorting? Did you mark your stream as sortable? Did you try sorting the records?Can you show some code?