Laravel Built on the worlds most popular PHP framework.
Pyro feels like a natural extension of Laravel. We do not try and hide it but embrace it everywhere.
Open Source MIT License
Our core product and features have been and always will be 100% free and open source.
Easy to Use Simple, Clean, and Consistent Control Panel
The control panel is built on standardized patterns and principles just like the API. This means it is faster and easier for your team to create components and easier for clients to use the product.

Mobile Responsive Control Panel
Pyro makes it easy to manage your content wherever you are. Full access to the entire control panel you know and love on a desktop now at your fingertips.
Localization Localization is built-in.
- Easily translate content into multiple languages.
- Safely override core translations without hacking.
- Automatically route translated content.

# Create an addon (module type):
php artisan make:addon pyro.module.products
# Create a stream within your module:
php artisan make:stream products pyro.module.products
# Install it using full addon notation (recommended):
php artisan addon:install pyro.module.products --seed
# or the short notation:
php artisan module:install products --seed
# Migrate changes as you build up the module:
php artisan addon:reinstall pyro.module.products --seed
Rapid Development Quickly scaffold components with Artisan.
Our CLI tools let you build addons and data structures literally in seconds. Just tweak as needed and ship it.
Lightning fast time to market means you can say yes more often to those customer needs that just can't be found on the shelf.
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