
Server Requirements

PyroCMS has a few system requirements:

  • PHP >= 7.3
  • XML PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • SQLite PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • GD Library (>=2.0) OR Imagick PHP extension (>=6.5.7)

Host Configuration

When you setup your web host be sure to point the web root to Pyro's public directory. Just as you would a normal Laravel installation.

Alternate Directories

In some environments like cPanel or Virtualmin it may be difficult to use the public directory as the web root. In these cases we suggest symlinking the public directory to public_html:

ln -s public public_html

You may also simply rename the public directory to public_html. Path hints will automatically use the correct path.

Directory Permissions

After installing, you may need to configure some permissions in order to proceed. Directories within the storage, public/app, and the bootstrap/cache directories should be writable by your web server. If you are using the Homestead virtual machine, these permissions should already be set.

Downloading PyroCMS

PyroCMS utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. So, before using PyroCMS, make sure you have Composer installed on your machine.

Do not create an .env file just yet - Pyro's installer will generate one for you.{.important}

Via Composer

You may download PyroCMS by issuing the Composer create-project command in your terminal:

composer create-project pyrocms/pyrocms

If you are using a Windows environment, you might run into issues with the length of paths when unzipping packages. To avoid this issue, use the --prefer-source flag.

Specifying Specific Versions

You can specify a specific version by using the branch and also include VCS sources with the --prefer-source option.

composer create-project pyrocms/pyrocms:3.5

Development Branches

Similarly, you can specify a development branch like so:

composer create-project pyrocms/pyrocms:3.7.x-dev

Installing PyroCMS

Running the Installation Wizard

After downloading PyroCMS and it's dependencies, you will need to install the software in order to get started. By this time you should be able to visit your site's URL which will redirect you to the installer:

Using the CLI Installer

PyroCMS comes with a CLI installer you can use with the following command:

php artisan install

You will be prompted for details in order to proceed with the installation process.

You may need to run ulimit -n 1024 before installing via CLI to temporarily increase your max open files limit.{.notice}

Automating the CLI Installer

You can automate the installer by creating your own .env file with something like this:


The APP_KEY must be exactly 32 characters in length.{.important}

Then run the installer and indicate that the system is ready to install:

php artisan install --ready

Using the cURL Installer

PyroCMS also comes with a cURL installer you can use by executing the following CLI command:

curl -L --max-redirs 100 ""

If desired you can make a browser request to the same URL and append &verbose=true to load the installer directly without the wizard.

Post Installation

Accessing the Control Panel

Once installed you will be able to access the control panel as well as view the front-end of your website.

Control Panel Basics{.link}

Removing the Installer

Upon logging in the first time after installation you will notice the suggestion to delete the Installer module. To do this simply remove the "anomaly/installer-module" requirement from your project's composer.json file and run composer update.

If you are not using composer going forward you can simply delete /vendor/anomaly/installer-module from your PyroCMS installation though it's a good idea to still delete it from your composer.json file as well.