
Below is the full configuration available with defaults values:

"example" => [
    "type"   => ""
    "config" => [
        "default_value" => null,
        "top_options"   => null,
        "mode"          => "input",
        "handler"       => "Anomaly\CountryFieldType\Handler\DefaultHandler@handle"
Key Example Description



The default value.


["US", "CA", "MX"]

The top dropdown options.



The input mode. Valid options are text and dropdown.



The options handler.

Addon Configuration

The country options are controlled by the Streams Platform countries.php configuration file.

You can override these options by publishing the Streams Platform with:

php artisan streams:publish
**Contribute:** If you have countries to add or have found an error, submit a pull request to [](

Option Handlers

Option handlers are responsible for setting the available country options on the field type. You can define your own option handler to add your own logic to available options.

You can define custom handlers as a callable string where `@handle will be assumed if no method is provided:

"handler" => "App/Example/MyCountries@handle"

Option handlers can also a handler with a closure:

"example" => [
    "config" => [
        "handler" => function (CountryFieldType $fieldType) {
                    "US" => "streams::country.US",
                    "CA" => "streams::country.CA"
**Remember:** Closures can not be stored in the database so your closure type handlers must be set / overridden from the form builder.
Writing Option Handlers

Writing custom option handlers is easy. To begin create a class with the method you defined in the config option.

"handler" => "App/Example/MyCountries@handle"

The handler string is called via Laravel's service container. The CountryFieldType $fieldType is passed as an argument.

**Pro Tip:** Handlers are called through Laravel's service container so method and class injection is supported.
<?php namespace App\Example;

class MyCountries
    public function handle(CountryFieldType $fieldType)
                "US" => "",
                "CA" => "",