Installing PyroCMS with exsisting Laravel Project
Created 7 years ago by laravelguy

Hello, I am trying to install PYyroCMS on my current laravel project, from my understanding of the documentation the first thing I need to install is : "streams platform" , so I tried to follow the documentation here >> I am running Laravel 5.3 Here are the steps that I followed:

  1. I have added this : "anomaly/streams-platform": "1.1.x-dev" to my composer.json

  2. Run composer update

  3. Registering the service providers here >> config/app.php: Anomaly\Streams\Platform\StreamsServiceProvider::class

  4. Registering the Kernal : I added to this file bootstrap/app.php

$app->singleton( Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class, 'Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Http\Kernel' );

$app->singleton( Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel::class, 'Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Console\Kernel' );

but I am getting an error with php stream.php file doesn't not exsist - Not sure why? I am not sure what i am doing wrong if you could guide me through how to install Steam Platform with existing laravel project 5.3 I would appreciate it


ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

What's the full path of that stream.php file it's complaining about? Nothing is coming to mind.

Looks like you've done an excellent job thus far though! Gotta be close 😛

laravelguy  —  7 years ago

Thanks 😄

Its missing a file /config/streams.php , do you know if the installation suppose to add it , or we add that manually?


laravelguy  —  7 years ago

I tried adding this one to try to fix the issue >> but now I am getting this error , it goes to /installer and getting an error : NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 161:

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

Pry install a PyroCMS install and checkout the differences in config and also the .env. The installer thing is a .env key missing. SUPER close though lol

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

I noticed in Slack you (I think it was you anyways) mentioned migrating a Laravel project into a Pyro one.. and that's potentially easier. Copy your app/ directory in and that's most the work needed right there aside from perhaps routing / middleware configuration.

laravelguy  —  7 years ago

lol I am close but getting errors, so you suggest I install Pyrocms and compare the config and .env files? is there away you can tell whats missing

Let me explain , I have Laravel 5.3 installed with some Packages in there and I am trying to install PyroCms to work with it , is that possible? what config and .env I need to change to fix this issue with Installer?


ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

That is 100% possible yes. Aside from INSTALLED=true or false in the .env file here's a good list of things:

Did you say you've run the installer? Cause you definitely need to run the installer. Idk why I've assumed you already ran that.

If the system is pushing you towards the /install route and you've not done that yet - go ahead and do it.

laravelguy  —  7 years ago

Hello, The system currently is forcing me toward /installer route but with Error : NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 161: Seems the route /installer is not defined, not sure why, I am still trying to install "Stream Platform" in my current Laravel 5.3 project Is there away you can help me fix it without installing PyroCms ? Thanks

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

Have you included the Pyro composer.json dependencies? I would start with all of them and reduce / remove them as you don't need. The installer, settings, users probably, and perhaps a couple others are required. I think you can get to remove them after the initial install goes through though. I've not checked to see which are mandatory (if any). It's designed to err in the way of no addon dependencies but it's been a while.