Block modules extension, custom view and route
Created 6 years ago by dwains

Hi, I created a new extension for the blocks module. I want to load the block from a block ft inside pages module. Inside my extension I want to load a custom twig file as the 'form' which has a iframe and a edit button. The edit button loads a modal with the formbuilder with all the fields of the stream (Blocks).

Now I did inside sections.php:

return [
    'view'   => 'dwainnl.extension.profront_promobox_block::admin/layout'

This way I have a custom twig file loaded when I load the block inside the block field. There I want to load an iframe which loads the frontend block. So I need to entry id of the Block entry. I tried: `{{ form.entry }}`but that doesnt work.
dwains  —  6 years ago

I want in admin that you add the block inside a blocks FT and the block has a iframe, which loads the frontend twig view I want this in admin as the block. The 'promobox' is a thing I use at frontend: and then you have a button Edit promo box which opens a modal with all the options. Like you have with the three columns blocks for example in tabs So a client of me can see how that thing looks direct in admin, without having fields for title, subtitle and button text