repeater field type - datepicker not showing up
Created 7 years ago by josebarbosa


I've created a repeater with 3 fields (2 text's and 1 datetime field). After that I assign the repeater to a form that I'm building (this form contains a datetime field too).

The datepicker inside my main form works great, but the other one in the repeater doesn't work, doesn't show any popup with the calendar. In my main form when I click on "Add Row" a repeater structure shows up correctly, but I noticed that some duplicate js files were added too. The files are: "jquery-ui.datepicker.min.js" and "jquery.timepicker.min.js".

I think there is a js conflict going on. Can you check it out?

Btw, great project you have here, keep up the good work.

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

Ah shoot.. I totally forgot there's a known issue there. For some reason the date picker has some quirks with initialization. I'll have another go at it tonight. Spin up a bug request if you would then I won't forget when I hit the issues tonight.

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

The and the editor field type have known issues..

josebarbosa  —  7 years ago

Done ;).

Thank you Ryan for your quick reply.