Setting label on a wysiwyg field
Created 5 years ago by simon_at_evolutednet

Hi. I'm trying to reuse a field with a different label for one stream. I'm setting the label field in the the assignment migration:

protected $assignments = [
  'name' => 
    'label' => '',
    'translatable' => true,
    'required' => true,
  'description' => [
     'label' => '',
     'translatable' => true,
     'required' => true,

The name label override works (name is a text field type) and I see 'Question' instead of 'Name' but the description override is not working. Is this the right way to override the label for a WYSIWYG field type?

ryanthompson  —  5 years ago

That's odd. It's the same for all fields. You confirm that the translation string exists? What's the label coming through as?

simon_at_evolutednet  —  5 years ago

It just seems to use the field from the field lang file instead of the override. I tried putting another random string in there that wasn't a translation key and that was ignored too.