WYISWYG editor adds table style attributes
Created 5 years ago by kh_at_ipimpatif I add a simple table like this: https://pastebin.com/DeYVYgRE to a page using the WYISWYG field, next time the field content is loaded in the WYISWYG editor, width and other style attributtes gets added to the table markup automatically, like this: https://pastebin.com/6GnpTNm8
So simply opening a page with WYISWYG field and saving, can potentially change the content, even tho nothing was changed in the WYISWYG editor by the user.
is there a way to control this behavior ?
5 years ago
Can you hint me some options for the editor i looked through the Redactor documentation, but couldn't find any that would tell the editor not to add any attributes toanything to tables (or any other elements to that matter)
Ya.. WYSIWYG does indeed strip that stuff by default. You would need to override the view real quick is all (kinda a pain I know) and customize the editor. I will look into allowing this though from an API standpoint.