Error in Admin panel when going to edit user
Created 6 years ago by dilusha100When I'm going to edit user details through the admin panel, it gives me an exception like this,
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Illegal offset type in isset or empty").").").
According to error report it arrises in E:\installed_software\wamp64\www\\KSNEvents\vendor\anomaly\streams-platform\src\View\Command/../../../resources/views/form/partials/fields.twig
I have added several fields to user module. Can you help me with this?
Are you still getting this error? This usually happens when a field has been (usually migrated) added that has a typo for the
so it can't build the field type class.