

You can download this addon by requiring it with composer:

composer require anomaly/files-module

You can also download this addon via the Addons module.


You can install this addon with the addon:install command:

php artisan addon:install anomaly.module.files

The Files module comes installed with PyroCMS out of the box.{.tip}

Suggested Addons

It is suggested that you also install a couple disk adapters as well.

S3 Adapter

An Amazon S3 adapter for the Files module.

composer require anomaly/s3_adapter-extension

php artisan addon:install anomaly.extension.s3_adapter

Dropbox Adapter

A Dropbox adapter for the Files module.

composer require anomaly/dropbox_adapter-extension 

php artisan addon:install anomaly.extension.dropbox_adapter

Box Adapter

A Box adapter for the Files module.

composer require anomaly/box_adapter-extension 

php artisan addon:install anomaly.extension.box_adapter