Basic Output

The grid field type always returns an \Anomaly\GridFieldType\Grid\GridCollection instance of related GridModel instances.

$entry->example; // Collection of models.
{% for entry in entry.example %}

    {% if entry.type == 'books' %}
        <h2>{{ entry.title }}</h2>
        <p>{{ entry.description }}</p>
    {% endif %}

    {% if entry.type == 'movies' %}
        {{ entry.cover.thumbnail|raw }}
        <h2>{{ entry.title }}</h2>
        <p>{{ entry.description }}</p>
    {% endif %}

{% endfor %}

Including Partials

A more elegant way of rendering different grid types would use Twig's include feature. Assuming your page has a Grid field with the slug content assigned to it your page type's layout might look like this:

{% for section in page.content %}
    <div class="section {{ section.type }}-section-type">
        {% include "theme::sections/" ~ section.type %}
{% endfor %}

The views method helps automate rendering partials as mentioned above:

{{ entry.example.views|raw }}

The above will look for partials in theme::grids/{type} and the grid object within those views will be named grid.

Customizing Output

Below is an example of some options you can pass via the PluginCriteria returned:

{{ entry.example.views.path('theme::blocks').name('block').cache(2)|raw }}

The above will look for partials in theme::blocks/{type} and the grid object within those views will be named block. Everything will be cached in the model cache repository for 2 minutes.

Presenter Output

When accessing the field value from a decorated entry model the collection will contain instances of \Anomaly\GridFieldType\Grid\GridPresenter.

$decorated->grid->first()->email->mailto('Email me!');
{{ decorated.grid.first().email.mailto('Email me!')|raw }}