Is it possible to add a tablebuilder as a tab into a form builder section
Created 7 years ago by dali

I have a form builder which has several tabbed sections. I want to display tabular data in one the tabs. Can this be achieved ?

keevitaja  —  7 years ago

I'm wondering about this myself too! Well at least something similar.

Let's say i have invoices module. Invoice has head section and rows section. How can the whole invoice (head and rows) be displayed on single page. Can i do it with the table builder or i just have to do it manually?

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

You should be able to do this just fine. Form sections support view parameter and you can add the table to the template data or use the table content as the HTML parameter or something then you won't even need a view!

ryanthompson  —  6 years ago

EDIT: You can add view data from a builder by using the addData($key, $value) method. ALL data will be dumped as payload when the builder renders itself.