Upload FT, does not upload with custom form
Created 7 years ago by aranea

When I do {{ form('tickets', 'messages').redirect('tickets/' ~ ticket.id).get()|raw }} the resulting form has multipart/form-data enctype. But when I do:

{% set form = form('tickets', 'messages').redirect('tickets/' ~ ticket.id).get() %}
{{ form.open|raw }}

It does not and therefore my upload fails. What am I doing wrong?

aranea  —  7 years ago Best Answer

Ok .. I found a solution .. set the enctype on the form.open like so: {{ form.open({'enctype': 'multipart/form-data'})|raw }}

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

What happens when you dd in the getPostValue of the upload type?

aranea  —  7 years ago

It returns null when I do dd($default), but like I said enctype isn't set on the form when I do it the second way ... unless I am completely mistaken but with there being no multipart I would have been really surprised if it returned anything other then null ?

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

What about the value - are you trying to use default value or are you uploading a file?

ryanthompson  —  7 years ago

Dd the result of that commmand being dispatched to get the uploaded file.

aranea  —  7 years ago

Ah .. I missunderstood that ;) Let's chalk that up to not being a native speaker.

PerformUpload {#2141 ▼
  #fieldType: UploadFieldType {#2221 ▼
    #class: ""
    #columnType: "integer"
    #inputView: "anomaly.field_type.upload::input"
    #rules: array:2 [▶]
    #validators: array:1 [▶]
    #config: array:3 [▶]
    #disabled: false
    #readonly: false
    #messages: []
    #entry: TicketModel {#2219 ▶}
    #field: "attachment"
    #value: null
    #label: "Attachment"
    #warning: null
    #locale: null
    #attributes: []
    #instructions: null
    #placeholder: null
    #required: false
    #hidden: false
    #prefix: null
    #save: true
    #columnLength: null
    #filterView: "streams::form/partials/filter"
    #wrapperView: "streams::form/partials/wrapper"
    #presenter: null
    #modifier: UploadFieldTypeModifier {#2227 ▶}
    #accessor: FieldTypeAccessor {#2217 ▶}
    #schema: null
    #parser: null
    #query: null
    #criteria: null
    #cache: []
    #path: "D:\Development\pyro\core/anomaly/upload-field_type"
    #type: "anomaly.field_type.upload"
    #slug: "upload"
    #vendor: "anomaly"
    #namespace: "anomaly.field_type.upload"
    #callbacks: []
aranea  —  7 years ago Best Answer

Ok .. I found a solution .. set the enctype on the form.open like so: {{ form.open({'enctype': 'multipart/form-data'})|raw }}