Override not working on production
Created 6 years ago by dominique

I've got these overrides in my theme:

     * The view overrides.
     * @var array
    protected $overrides = [
        'streams::errors/404' => 'theme::errors/404',
        'streams::errors/500' => 'theme::errors/500',
        'anomaly.module.users::password.forgot' => 'theme::password.forgot'

But the password override doesn't work on production. It does on the acceptance server and locally.

I'm not quite sure how to debug this or where it could go wrong but I reckon it's cached somewhere. I tried the following commands to no avail:

php artisan view:clear
php artisan route:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan optimize
php artisan assets:clear
php artisan twig:clean
php artisan streams:compile
composer dump-autoload
dominique  —  6 years ago Best Answer

Problem fixed after running composer update

piterden  —  6 years ago

Did you try 'anomaly.module.users::password/forgot' => 'theme::password/forgot'? And 'anomaly.module.users::password/forgot' => 'full.theme.notation::password/forgot' also?

ryanthompson  —  6 years ago

Is you local or remote a windows box by chance?

dominique  —  6 years ago

My local machine is a macbook, the server runs debian or something debian based. The acceptance runs on the same server as production.

Changing theme notation or replacing the :'s with /'s doesn't seem to make a difference either

dominique  —  6 years ago

Might be good to add that the 404 and 500 also don't work.

dominique  —  6 years ago Best Answer

Problem fixed after running composer update