
Payments are simply a stream entry/model that are bound to a gateway extension.

Processing Payments

After installing and configuring your payment gateway extension(s) you can create a payment and process it like this:

$payment = new PaymentModel(
        'amount'           => 25.00,
        'currency'         => 'USD',
        'first_name'       => 'Ryan',
        'last_name'        => 'Thompson',
        'number'           => '4242424242424242',
        'type'             => 'visa',
        'security_code'    => '123',
        'expiration_month' => '12',
        'expiration_year'  => '2020',
        'gateway'          => 'stripe',
        'related'          => $order, // Optional related order / product / object

$payment->purchase(); // Returns bool

The gateway value can be an instance or any valid string identifier.{.tip}

Payment Authorization

To authorize the payment only, use the authorize method on the payment instance.

$payment->authorize(); // Returns bool

If authorizing only you will need to capture the payment later to secure the payment funds.

$payment = $payments->findByStrId($id);

$payment->capture(); // Returns bool

Refunding a Payment

To refund a payment simply call the refund method on an existing payment instance:

$payment = $payments->findByStrId($id);

$payment->refund(); // Returns bool

Payment Statuses

You can determine what state a payment is in by checking it's status:

// Payment processing here

if ($payment->isSuccessful()) {
    echo 'Yas!';
} else {
    echo $payment->getLastLog()->getMessage();
if ($payment->isAuthorized()) {
    echo 'Please capture the payment.';
} elseif($payment->isComplete()) {
    echo 'Thank you for your payment.';
} elseif($payment->isFailed()) {
    echo 'Your payment failed.';
} elseif ($payment->isRefunded()) {
    echo 'Thank you for nothing.';