The Payments module let's you safely store cards and charge them by token.
Creating Cards
After installing and configuring your payment gateway extension(s) you can create a card like this:
$card = new CardModel(
'first_name' => 'Ryan',
'last_name' => 'Thompson',
'number' => '4242424242424242',
'type' => 'visa',
'security_code' => '123',
'expiration_month' => '12',
'expiration_year' => '2020',
'gateway' => 'stripe',
$card->send(); // Returns bool
echo $card->getCardReference(); // Gateway reference to card
The gateway value can be an instance or any valid string identifier.{.tip}
Charging Cards
Charging cards is very much like making normal payments with a PaymentInterface
$cards = app(CardRepositoryInterface::class);
$card = $cards->findByStrId($id);
$payment = new PaymentModel(
'amount' => 25.00,
'currency' => 'USD',
'card' => $card,
'gateway' => 'stripe', // Must match card's gateway.
'related' => $order, // Optional related order / product / object
$payment->purchase(); // Returns bool
Deleting Cards
To delete cards simply delete the card model.