Defining icons
help abstract how your theme's icons are presented throughout both admin
and public
themes. By referring to an icon by a registered universal slug and letting the registry provide the class you can easily swap out icon implementations.
Basic Usage
Icon definitions are only a string. If the icon is not found in the registry then the string will be used as-is as the icon class.
'icon' => 'addon' // <i class="fa fa-puzzle-piece"></i>
'icon' => 'my-icon' // <i class="my-icon"></i>
The Icon Registry
These are all the icons registered in Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Ui\Icon\IconRegistry
'addon' => 'fa fa-puzzle-piece',
'adjust' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-adjust-alt',
'airplane' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-airplane',
'amex' => 'fa fa-cc-amex',
'arrows-h' => 'fa fa-arrows-h',
'arrows-v' => 'fa fa-arrows-v',
'ban' => 'fa fa-ban',
'bars' => 'fa fa-bars',
'brush' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-brush',
'calendar' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-calendar',
'car' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-car',
'check' => 'fa fa-check',
'check-circle' => 'fa fa-check-circle',
'check-circle-alt' => 'fa fa-check-circle-o',
'check-square-alt' => 'fa fa-check-square-o',
'circle' => 'fa fa-circle',
'circle-alt' => 'fa fa-circle-o',
'circle-question-mark' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-circle-question-mark',
'cloud-plus' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-cloud-plus',
'cloud-upload' => 'fa fa-cloud-upload',
'cloud-upload-alt' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-cloud-upload',
'code' => 'fa fa-code',
'code-fork' => 'fa fa-code-fork',
'cog' => 'fa fa-cog',
'cogs' => 'fa fa-cogs',
'comments' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-comments',
'compress' => 'fa fa-compress',
'conversation' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-conversation',
'credit-card' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-credit-card',
'cubes' => 'fa fa-cubes',
'dashboard' => 'fa fa-dashboard',
'database' => 'fa fa-database',
'diners-club' => 'fa fa-cc-diners-club',
'discover' => 'fa fa-cc-discover',
'download' => 'fa fa-download',
'duplicate' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-duplicate',
'envelope' => 'fa fa-envelope',
'envelope-alt' => 'fa fa-envelope-o',
'exchange' => 'fa fa-exchange',
'exit' => 'fa fa-sign-out',
'expand' => 'fa fa-expand',
'external-link' => 'fa fa-external-link',
'eyedropper' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-eyedropper',
'facebook' => 'fa fa-facebook',
'facebook-square' => 'fa fa-facebook-square',
'facetime-video' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-facetime-video',
'file' => 'fa fa-file-o',
'file-image' => 'fa fa-file-image-o',
'film' => 'fa fa-film',
'filter' => 'fa fa-filter',
'fire' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-fire',
'flag' => 'fa fa-flag',
'folder-closed' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-folder-closed',
'folder-open' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-folder-open',
'fullscreen' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-fullscreen',
'git-branch' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-git-branch',
'global' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-global',
'globe' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-globe',
'home' => 'fa fa-home',
'jcb' => 'fa fa-cc-jcb',
'keys' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-keys',
'language' => 'fa fa-language',
'laptop' => 'fa fa-laptop',
'link' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-link',
'list-alt' => 'fa fa-list-alt',
'list-ol' => 'fa fa-list-ol',
'list-ul' => 'fa fa-list-ul',
'lock' => 'fa fa-lock',
'locked' => 'fa fa-lock',
'magic' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-magic',
'map-marker' => 'fa fa-map-marker',
'mastercard' => 'fa fa-cc-mastercard',
'minus' => 'fa fa-minus',
'newspaper' => 'fa fa-newspaper-o',
'options' => 'fa fa-options',
'order' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-sort',
'paperclip' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-paperclip',
'paypal' => 'fa fa-cc-paypal',
'pencil' => 'fa fa-pencil',
'percent' => 'fa fa-percent',
'phone' => 'fa fa-phone',
'picture' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-picture',
'play' => 'fa fa-play',
'plug' => 'fa fa-plug',
'plus' => 'fa fa-plus',
'plus-circle' => 'fa fa-plus-circle',
'plus-square' => 'fa fa-plus-square',
'power-off' => 'fa fa-power-off',
'question' => 'fa fa-question',
'question-circle' => 'fa fa-question-circle',
'quote-left' => 'fa fa-quote-left',
'quote-right' => 'fa fa-quote-right',
'redo' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-redo',
'refresh' => 'fa fa-refresh',
'repeat' => 'fa fa-repeat',
'retweet' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-retweet',
'rss' => 'fa fa-rss',
'rss-square' => 'fa fa-rss-square',
'save' => 'fa fa-save',
'scissors' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-scissors-alt',
'search' => 'fa fa-search',
'server' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-server',
'share' => 'fa fa-share-alt',
'shopping-cart' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-shopping-cart',
'sign-in' => 'fa fa-sign-in',
'sign-out' => 'fa fa-sign-out',
'sitemap' => 'fa fa-sitemap',
'sliders' => 'fa fa-sliders',
'sort-ascending' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-sort-by-attributes',
'sort-descending' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-sort-by-attributes-alt',
'sortable' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-sorting',
'square' => 'fa fa-square',
'square-alt' => 'fa fa-square-o',
'star' => 'fa fa-star',
'stripe' => 'fa-cc-stripe',
'tag' => 'fa fa-tag',
'tags' => 'fa fa-tags',
'th' => 'fa fa-th',
'th-large' => 'fa fa-th-large',
'thumbnails' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-thumbnails',
'times' => 'fa fa-times',
'times-circle' => 'fa fa-times-circle',
'times-square' => 'fa fa-times-square',
'translate' => 'glyphicons glyphicons-translate',
'trash' => 'fa fa-trash',
'truck' => 'fa fa-truck',
'twitter' => 'fa fa-twitter',
'unlock' => 'fa fa-unlock',
'upload' => 'fa fa-upload',
'usd' => 'fa fa-usd',
'user' => 'fa fa-user',
'users' => 'fa fa-users',
'video-camera' => 'fa fa-video-camera',
'warning' => 'fa fa-warning',
'wrench' => 'fa fa-wrench',
'youtube' => 'fa fa-youtube',