

The currency service is a simple class that helps work with money formats. The currency service uses the streams::currencies configuration.

Basic Usage

You can use the currency class by including the \Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Support\Currency class.


The format function returns the number in currency format proceeded by the system configured currency symbol.

You may also specify an optional currency code to use specifically. The system configured currency will be used by default.

Lastly you can specify an array of options to change configured behavior. Available options are direction, separator, decimals, and point.

$currency = app(\Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Support\Currency::class);

$currency->format($number, $currency = null, array $options = [])

// Sum up the "amount" of a collection of entries.
// Assuming "amount" is an integer field type.
echo $currency->format($payments->sum('amount.value'));
// $12,712.93
{{ currency_format(number) }}
{{ currency_format(number, currency) }}
{{ currency_format(number, currency, options) }}

// Sum up the "amount" of a collection of entries.
// Assuming "amount" is an integer field type.
{{ currency_format(payments.sum('amount.value')) }}
// $12,712.93


The normalize function returns the number in currency format without the system configured currency symbol.

You may also specify an optional currency code to use specifically. The system configured currency will be used by default.

Lastly you can specify an array of options to change configured behavior. Available options are direction, separator, decimals, and point.

$currency = app(\Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Support\Currency::class);

$currency->normalize($number, $currency = null, array $options = [])

// Sum up the "amount" of a collection of entries.
// Assuming "amount" is an integer field type.
echo $currency->normalize($payments->sum('amount.value'));
// 12,712.93
{{ currency_normalize(number) }}
{{ currency_normalize(number, currency) }}
{{ currency_normalize(number, currency, options) }}

// Sum up the "amount" of a collection of entries.
// Assuming "amount" is an integer field type.
{{ currency_normalize(payments.sum('amount.value')) }}
// 12,712.93