Streams Plugin



The addon function returns a decorated addon instance or null if not found. The identifier argument can be a dot notation namespace or unique slug.

{{ addon('anomaly.module.users').name }}
// Users Module

{{ addon('pages').namespace('settings') }}
// anomaly.module.pages::settings


The addons method returns a decorated collection of addons. An optional type argument will restrict the type of addon returned.

{{ addons() }} // All addons.

// All enabled modules.
{% for module in addons('modules').enabled() %}
    <p>{{ }} is enabled.</p>
{% endfor %}

User Agent


The agent_is function returns if the agent matches a given string.

{% if agent_is("iPhone") %}
	<p>Sweet iPhone bro.</p>
{% endif %}


The agent_is_mobile function returns whether the user agent is a mobile browser or not.

{% if agent_is_mobile() %}
	{{ asset_style('theme::mobile.css') }}
{% endif %}



Adds an asset to a collection. An optional array of flags is also available.

{{ asset_add("theme.js", "theme::js/vendor/*", ["min"]) }}


The asset_script function returns the script tag to the given collection.

{{ asset_script("theme.js", ["min"]) }}


The asset_scripts function returns an array of script tags for the assets within a given collection.

{% for script in asset_scripts("scripts.js", ["min"]) %}
    {{ script|raw }}
{% endfor %}


The constants function returns a script tag containing a number of often required javascript constants necessary for field types and potentially other components to work correctly. Make sure you include it in your themes!

{{ constants() }}

Learn more about JS constants.



The auth_check function returns whether a user is logged in or not.

{% if auth_check() %}
    Hello {{ auth_user().display_name }}!
{% endif %}


The auth_guest function returns the opposite of auth_check.

{% if auth_guest() %}
    <a href="{{ url_route('lgoin') }}">Login</a>
{% endif %}



The breadcrumb function renders a Bootstrap breadcrumb.

{{ breadcrumb() }}

You can use this function as an array to generate your own breadcrumb:

<ol class="breadcrumb">
    {% for breadcrumb, url in breadcrumb() %}
        {% if loop.last %}
            <li class="breadcrumb-item active">{{ trans(breadcrumb) }}</li>
        {% else %}
            <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="{{ url }}">{{ trans(breadcrumb) }}</a></li>
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}


The favicons function renders multiple favicon tags based on a single source.

You can use this function to automatically generate comprehensive and modern favicon tags:

{{ favicons('theme::img/favicon.png') }}

The above function will generate the below favicons using the streams::partials/favicons view:

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{ image(source).resize(16, 16).path }}" sizes="16x16"/>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{ image(source).resize(32, 32).path }}" sizes="32x32"/>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{ image(source).resize(96, 96).path }}" sizes="96x96"/>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{ image(source).resize(128, 128).path }}" sizes="128x128"/>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{ image(source).resize(196, 196).path }}" sizes="196x196"/>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="57x57" href="{{ image(source).resize(57, 57).path }}"/>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="60x60" href="{{ image(source).resize(60, 60).path }}"/>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="72x72" href="{{ image(source).resize(72, 72).path }}"/>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="76x76" href="{{ image(source).resize(76, 76).path }}"/>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="114x114" href="{{ image(source).resize(114, 114).path }}"/>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="120x120" href="{{ image(source).resize(120, 120).path }}"/>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="144x144" href="{{ image(source).resize(144, 144).path }}"/>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="152x152" href="{{ image(source).resize(152, 152).path }}"/>



The carbon function provides access to Carbon.

{{ carbon().today() }}
// 2016-06-24 00:00:00

{{ carbon('-1 day', config('app.timezone')) }}
// "2016-08-17 15:05:26"

{{ carbon('-1 day', config('app.timezone')).diffInHours() }}
// 24



The currency_format function returns the number in currency format proceeded by the system configured currency symbol.

You may also specify an optional currency code to use specifically. The system configured currency will be used by default.

Lastly you can specify an array of options to change configured behavior. Available options are direction, separator, decimals, and point.

{{ currency_format(number) }}
{{ currency_format(number, currency) }}
{{ currency_format(number, currency, options) }}

// Sum up the "amount" of a collection of entries.
// Assuming "amount" is an integer field type.
{{ currency_format(payments.sum('amount.value')) }}
// $12,712.93


The currency_normalize function returns the number in currency format without the system configured currency symbol.

You may also specify an optional currency code to use specifically. The system configured currency will be used by default.

Lastly you can specify an array of options to change configured behavior. Available options are direction, separator, decimals, and point.

{{ currency_normalize(number) }}
{{ currency_normalize(number, currency) }}
{{ currency_normalize(number, currency, options) }}

// Sum up the "amount" of a collection of entries.
// Assuming "amount" is an integer field type.
{{ currency_normalize(payments.sum('amount.value'), 'USD', {'separator': ''}) }}
// 12712.93



The csrf_token function returns the CSRF token value.

{{ csrf_token() }}
// Uge4akcwu7HyGLEeJ3uJseqUCRxk9Yz6B7Yi0kkG


The csrf_field function returns the name of the CSRF field.

{{ csrf_field() }}
// <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="Uge4akcwu7HyGLEeJ3uJseqUCRxk9Yz6B7Yi0kkG">



The entries function provide you with a convenient, fluent interface to fetch stream entries.

    {% for category in entries('posts', 'categories').get() %}
        {{ category.slug }}
    {% endfor %}

You can interact with entries before firing get just like you would a query builder.

{% set products = entries('store', 'products')
	.where('featured', true)
	.get() %}

    {% for product in products %}
        {{ }}
    {% endfor %}

The entry criteria is extendable! To learn how to add your own functionality to queries refer to the criteria documetation.{.tip}


The query function aids in fetching database records that are not streams.

{% set jobs = query()
    .orderBy('failed_at', 'DESC'
    .get() %}

You can also provide a model to use instead of specifying with from(table):

{% set users = query('App\Example\TestModel')
	.where('active', true)
	.orderBy('failed_at', 'DESC'
	.get() %}

In order to leverage model criteria you must provide a model.{.notice}



You can access environmental variable values with the env function. This function behaves just like the Laravel helper function.

{% if env(key, default) %}
{% endif %}

{% if env("APP_DEBUG") %}
    You are debugging!
{% endif %}



The request_time function returns the elapsed time in seconds for the request. You can optionally specify the number of decimals to return. The default is 1.

{{ request_time(3) }}
// 0.551


The memory_usage function returns the memory used by the request. You can optionally specify the number of decimals to return. The default is 1.

{{ memory_usage(2) }}
// 6.51 m


Learn more about working with images.


The img function returns an image instance with <img> as the default output method.

{{ image('theme::img/logo.png')|raw }}
// <img src="/app/default/assets/addons/default/mysite/example-theme/resources/images/logo.png?v=1549566000" alt="Logo">

You can fluently chain methods together to manipulate the image:

{{ image('theme::img/logo.png').resize(1000).quality(60)|raw }}
// <img src="/app/default/assets/addons/default/mysite/example-theme/resources/images/082f74498bc34c1f37fbd56818417350.png?v=1549566000" alt="Logo">

You can also specify alternate output methods:

<img src="{{ image('theme::img/logo.png').path }}">
// /app/default/assets/addons/default/anomaly/example-theme/resources/images/logo.png?v=1549566000

<img src="{{ image('theme::img/logo.png').height(95).inline|raw }}">
// <img alt="Logo" height="95" src="">



The request function returns the request object. For example you can get the route's id parameter like this:

{{ request().route('id') }}
// 123


The request_get function returns $_GET parameters from the request.

{{ request_get(parameter, default) }}


The request_method function returns the request's method verb.

{% if request_method() == 'GET' %}
	<p>Lemme GET that for you.</p>
{% endif %}


The request_root function returns the request root.

{{ request_root() }}


The request_path function returns the request path.

{{ request_path() }}
// /the/uri/path


The request_segment function returns the specified URI segment.

{{ request_segment(1) }}
// admin


The request_is function returns if the request path matches a pattern. If multiple patterns are provided then true will be returned if any match.

{{ request_is("myaccount/*", "account/*") }}
// true or false


The request_ajax function whether or not the request is ajax.

{{ request_ajax() }}
// true or false



The session_get function returns a value from session.

{{ session_get(key) }}
{{ session_get(key, default) }}


The session_pull function returns and removes a value from session.

{{ session_pull(key) }}
{{ session_pull(key, default) }}


The session_has function returns whether the session has a value by key or not.

{% if session_has(key) %}
	<p>Party in da house!</p>
{% endif %}


Learn more about working with strings.


The str_humanize function returns the humanized version of a string. The separator is - by default. This is a common way to transform slugs into human readable names.

{{ str_humanize(string, separator) }}


The str_truncate function returns a truncated string of a given length while preserving words. The end argument defaults to ....

{{ str_truncate(string, length, end) }}


The str_is function returns whether or not the provided string matches the pattern. You can use * in your pattern as a wildcard.

{% if str_is(pattern, string) %}
    <p>The pattern matches!</p>
{% endif %}


The str_camel function returns the camel case version of a string.

{{ str_camel(string) }}


The str_studly function returns the studly cased version of a string.

{{ str_studly(string) }}


The str_random function returns a random string. The length argument defaults to 16.

{{ str_random(10) }}



The trans function returns the translated string from a key.

{{ trans("") }}
// Users Module

You can optionally provide an array of data to replace in the string as well as a locale. The current locale will be used by default.

{{ trans(key, replace, locale) }}


The trans_has function returns whether or not the given translation key exists. You may also specify an optional locale. The current locale will be used by default.

{{ trans_has(key) }}
{{ trans(key, locale) }}


Learn more about URL generation.


The url function returns an absolute URL to a given path. An array of extra parameters may be passed to build a query string. Lastly a secure flag (true or false) may also be used to force HTTPS in the generated URL. Your current request protocol will be used by default.

{{ url(path) }}
{{ url(path, extra) }}
{{ url(path, extra, secure) }}


The url_secure function returns an absolute URL to a given path while forcing HTTPS. An array of extra parameters may be passed to build a query string.

{{ url_secure(path) }}
{{ url_secure(path, extra) }}


The url_route function returns the URL to a given named route. An array of extra parameters may be passed to build a query string and replace variables in the route path. Lastly a secure flag (true or false) may also be used to force HTTPS in the generated URL. Your current request protocol will be used by default.

{{ url_route(path) }}
{{ url_route(path, extra) }}
{{ url_route(path, extra, secure) }}



The view function returns a rendered view. This method is similar to Twig's include tag.

{{ view(view) }}

You may also pass an array of data to use within the specified view.

{{ view('example.module.test::example/view', {'foo': 'Bar'}) }}


The parse function parses a string as a template.

{{ parse(template) }}

You may also pass an array of data to use within the specified template.

{{ parse("This is a template {{ foo }}", {"foo": "bar"}) }}

This can be helpful if you need to render content from something like a textarea value.

{{ parse(entry.simple_content.value) }}


The value function value parses a string for an entry.

{{ value(parameters, entry) }}


The layout method checks for and returns a theme layout or returns the default if it's not found. The default layout is theme::layouts/default by default.

{% extends layout(layout) %}
{% extends layout(layout, default) %}

Most modules specify a layout named after the addon and default normally. This way if it exists great, otherwise use the default layout which always exists.

{% extends layout('posts') %}