Form options
help configure the behavior in general of the form. Anything from toggling specific UI on or off to adding a simple title and description can be done with the form options.
protected $options = [
'title' => 'My awesome table!',
'table_view' => 'module::my/custom/table'
You can also set options from the API.
$builder->setOption('title', 'My awesome table!');
{{ table('test', 'example')
.setOption('title', 'My awesome table!')
Available Options
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
table_view | false | string | streams::table/table | The table view is the primary table layout view. |
title | false | string | "" | The table title. |
wrapper_view | false | string | streams::blank | The wrapper view is the admin layout wrapper. This is the view you would override if you wanted to include a sidebar with your table for example. |
permission | false | string | {vendor}.module.{module}::{stream}.read | The permission string required to access the table. |
no_results_message | false | string | No Results. | The text shown when not results are found. |
order_by | false | array | null | Set the default ordering of the results. e.g ['created_at' => 'desc'] |